Supporting our Community
At Landgrove Coffee, we care about our community as much as we care about our coffee. With our on-going fundraiser option, you are able to donate to our affiliated charities and groups on our website. When you donate, Landgrove Coffee will also donate 15% of your order value to the same group.
Distinguished Young Women program of Moscow
The Distinguished Young Women Program of Moscow is a scholarship program for girls in their junior year of high school. The participants compete in five categories for a chance to receive scholarships: Scholastics, Interview, Fitness, Talent and Self-Expression.
(208) 301-4332
Moscow, ID 83843
EIN 99-1226012
Support the Palouse Prairie Charter School of Moscow by purchasing locally roasted coffee and including a donation with your order. Indulge your love of coffee while supporting our amazing school! The fundraiser runs from February 3rd-21st. Let's raise a cup for education!
(208) 882-3684
Moscow, ID 83843
EIN 20-8870679

Troy Preschool
Troy Preschool supports our tiniest Trojans by guiding their social, emotional, and academic growth through exploration & imagination. All funds raised through our fundraiser partnership with Landgrove Coffee will aid families in need of tuition assistance.
(208) 835-4442
PO Box 384, Troy, ID 83871
EIN 30-0439183
Courageous Kids Climbing
Courageous Kids Climbing is an Idaho nonprofit that coordinates FREE opportunities for people with special needs to experience the various forms of rock climbing at events held throughout Idaho and Washington with stops in Prescott, AZ, Las Vegas, NV, and Bakersfield, CA. We coordinate FREE opportunities for people with special needs to experience ice-skating in McCall and Lewiston, Idaho and Cheney, Washington. We take school age kids who are visually challenged or blind to look at things like fighter jets and race cars with their hands.
300 Mountain Cove Court, McCall, Idaho 83638
EIN 833628817
Humane Society of the Palouse
"Humane Society of the Palouse is a no-kill animal shelter located in Moscow, ID, founded in 1978. Serving nearly 500 pets each year, we are dedicated to the humane treatment, welfare, and safety of companion animals in Latah County. Any funds raised will help us provide necessary veterinary care to countless homeless pets in need. With veterinary costs on the rise, we need our community's support now more than ever."
(208) 883-1166
2019 E White Ave Moscow, ID 83843
EIN 82-0349958
Moscow Area Moms Alliance (M.A.M.A.)
The Moscow Area Moms Alliance, Inc., provides wrap-around support to new and expectant parents experiencing financial and social poverty. We work directly with families during the most vulnerable time of a child's life to help promote resilience, safety, and overall well-being. We provide families with 1:1 mentorship to help them navigate difficult community resource networks, find and maintain stable housing, develop self-advocacy skills, and experience the healing power of relationships. Each family is given a custom care package of tangible items focused on the safety and care of their infant. Join us in our work to build resilient, healthy, and hope-filled families on the Palouse!
(208) 596-5921
2221 Itani Dr, Moscow, ID 83843
EIN 86-1863271
Idaho Trails Association is a volunteer-based organization working to keep Idaho's hiking trails open for all to use and enjoy. ITA organizes trail clearing and maintenance projects across the state as well as public events focused on outdoor education and brining awareness to Idaho's incredible trails.
PO Box 165 in Boise, 83701
EIN 364667290
Our mission is to increase citizen involvement in decisions that affect our region’s environment. Our goals are to encourage sustainable living, provide experiential learning, and offer opportunities for serving in our community, while actively protecting and restoring our natural resources.
PO Box 8596 Moscow, ID 83843
EIN 943038182
The Redside Foundation is an organization committed to supporting the health and strength of the professional outdoor guiding community. We achieve this commitment by providing a 24-hour guide helpline that guides can call or text, leave a message and our mental health case manager will be in touch. If support is needed, the guide in need will meet with a mental health provider located close to them and will receive up to 8 counseling sessions at no cost. The Redside Foundation also offers educational scholarships, professional grant opportunities, and community building events. All funds received will go to support mental health support and services for guides in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. For more information about The Redside Foundation, please visit www.redsidefoundation.org.
(208) 805-8090
PO Box 8734 Boise, ID 83707
EIN 27-4362737
Selway Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation
The Selway Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation is a community of wilderness-minded and hardworking individuals, dedicated to connecting wilderness with the people who work, live, and play within it. SBFC ensures access to the Selway-Bitterroot and Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness areas, so that all who desire can enjoy immersive wilderness experiences. SBFC accomplishes priority wilderness work with the help of volunteers, Wilderness Ranger Fellows (interns), seasonal crew leaders, educational programs, and support from members & donors. Funds raised will support our on-the-ground work in the Selway and the Frank! Learn more at www.selwaybitterroot.org
(208) 373-4381
PO Box 1886 Boise, ID 83701
EIN 27-2868220
509 Show Circuit
The 509 Show Circuit is a non-profit for youth in agriculture, providing opportunities to kids ages 5-21 years old across Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Funds raised will go directly to our high school and collegiate scholarship fund to be paid out in the spring and fall annually. Thank you for your support!
(509) 951-4213
102 Dunn Road, Elk, WA 99009
EIN 82-1918553
Cat Crew California
Cat Crew California is a group of volunteers who are trying to make an impact on the cat and kitten population in our community. We have also expanded to rescue dogs and puppies! We are foster based and run on donations and support of our community. Our rescued animals are carefully assessed and placed with an experienced foster. All our adoptable animals are spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped. We believe in the TNR program that traps, neuters, releases feral cats to stop the cycle of overpopulation that happens so quickly in colonies! Our big goal this year is to also help more of our community pets with basic medical needs!